Find the Best Core Workouts, from Basic to Advanced Levels

Core exercises are an important part of any fitness routine. They help strengthen the back, abdomen, and pelvis muscles that are essential for everyday activities such as standing up straight and bending sideways. Core exercises also help to stabilize the body, support the spine, and enhance overall fitness.

When performing core exercises, it is important to work on multiple muscle groups simultaneously. This will ensure that all of the muscles in the core are being worked effectively. For older adults, three specific exercises should be focused on: planks, bridges, and squats. These exercises mimic natural movements such as lifting and climbing which can help to strengthen their core muscles without putting too much strain on their joints or ligaments. Additionally, these exercises can be modified for different levels of difficulty so both beginners and advanced exercisers alike can use them.

Beginner moves

Beginner moves are a great way to start getting into shape and engaging your core muscles. To engage your core, inhale and imagine bringing your belly button toward your spine. This is a simple exercise that can be done daily as it does not require a lot of recovery time.

For best results in your workout, it is advised to consult with a personal trainer to figure out the ideal number of reps and sets that suit your current fitness level and goals. When exercising core muscles, proceed gradually and concentrate on good form. As you become more and more familiar with core exercises, increase the amount of repetitions you do.

Core exercises are beneficial for strengthening abdominal muscles, improving posture, and increasing balance. Core exercises can also help reduce back pain by strengthening the muscles that support the spine. Additionally, they can help improve overall athletic performance by providing stability during dynamic movements such as running or jumping. With regular practice, beginner moves can help you reach your fitness goals in no time!

Bird Dog

Bird dog is a fantastic workout for toning your abdominals, lower back, glutes and thighs. Begin in the position of being on all fours with your abdomen muscles tightened. You then raise one leg and opposite arm straight out at the same time, hold for 5-30 seconds, then lower. Repeat this motion with the other leg/arm.

This exercise is great for improving core strength and stability as well as toning those hard-to-reach areas like glutes and hamstrings. It also helps improve balance by engaging multiple muscle groups at once. Bird dog is a simple yet effective exercise that can be done anywhere without any equipment or weights needed!


Bridge pose is an excellent exercise for toning the butt and thighs while activating the glutes and core. To do the bridge, start by lying on your back with knees bent and feet at hip width. Place your hands at your sides, palms down. Then tighten your core and glutes before raising your hips until they are in line with your shoulders. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds, repeating 3-5 times.

For an even greater challenge, you can add a marching movement to the bridge pose. First, lie down with your feet as wide as your hips, and keep your arms relaxed at your sides. Draw your navel into your spine and then lift your hips off the floor. Then lift one foot off the ground and march 10 times, alternating between left and right legs. This variation will help to strengthen the muscles of the lower body even more effectively than just doing regular bridge pose alone!

Mountain climber

Mountain climber is an intermediate exercise that can help improve balance and core strength. It combines a plank with knee movements, making it a great way to challenge your body. To do the exercise, begin in a plank position with hands below shoulders and tighten your core. Then, alternate lifting each knee towards the chest for 1 set of 8-12 reps. This will help engage your abdominal muscles and work on your stability.

Mountain climber is an effective exercise for those looking to increase their overall fitness level. It helps build strength in the arms, legs, and core while also improving coordination and balance. Additionally, it can be done anywhere without any equipment needed, making it convenient for anyone who wants to incorporate this exercise into their routine. With regular practice of mountain climber, you’ll be able to see improvements in your physical fitness quickly!


Crunches are a classic core-strengthening exercise that works the abdominal muscles. To perform a crunch, start on your back with knees bent and feet at hip width, arms crossed across chest. Tighten your core, tuck your chin, and lift your upper back off the floor. Aim to do 1 set of 8–12 reps for maximum benefit. The reverse crunch is another effective core strengthening exercise that involves crunching the knees towards the chest while pressing the hands into the floor. It should be repeated nonstop for 1 minute to maximize its benefits.

Studies have shown that core training can improve core endurance and running economy as well as balance control. A study by Szafraniec et al. found that reverse crunches had acute effects on balance control while a study by Yoon et al. found that modified bridge exercises were associated with increased trunk muscle activity in healthy adults. Core training is an important part of any fitness routine and can help you achieve better

Intermediate moves

Intermediate moves are the next step for those looking to increase their fitness level. These moves focus on engaging the core muscles, which are essential for overall stability and strength. To engage your core, imagine bringing your belly button towards your spine and hold the muscles tight for a few seconds. The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is an injury risk screening tool that evaluates core stability, neuromuscular control, proprioception, joint stability, mobility, strength and balance

Research has found that an FMS score below 14 puts individuals more at risk of injury. Because of this, a mix of bodyweight exercises such as planks, bridges, squats, lunges and more which target different muscles and also strengthen the core should be performed to assess core stability. Intermediate moves can help you progress in your fitness journey by


The plank is a great exercise to start strengthening your core. It involves minimal movement and can be adapted to different levels of difficulty, making it suitable for all fitness levels. To improve your core strength, hold the plank position for longer periods of time. When performing the plank, it is important to maintain proper form.

Place your forearms on the floor, making sure your elbows are directly beneath your shoulders and palms are facing forward. Ensure that your head, torso, hips, knees and feet form a straight line with no arch in your lower back. Balancing your weight on the balls of your feet and elbows will help you stay in this position for longer periods of time.

The plank is an effective exercise for strengthening the core muscles as well as improving posture and balance. It also helps to increase stability in other exercises such as push-ups or squats by providing a strong foundation from which to work from. Additionally, it can help reduce back pain by strengthening the muscles around

Bicycle crunch

Bicycle crunch is an effective exercise for strengthening the abdominal muscles. It works the obliques, rectus abdominous, and hips. To perform the exercise, start with your back on the floor, with your left knee bent and drawn toward your chest while keeping your right leg straight and slightly lifted off the floor. Alternate between bringing your right shoulder off the floor and moving your right elbow towards your left knee, then extending your left leg while bending your right knee and bringing it towards your chest. Start with 3 sets of 12 repetitions.

To do bicycle crunches correctly, start on your back with knees raised and hands supporting head. Curl one elbow towards the opposite knee, alternating sides for 1-2 minutes. This exercise is great for toning up those abdominal muscles as well as strengthening them. Make sure to keep good form throughout this exercise to ensure you are getting maximum benefit from it. Bicycle crunches can be done at home or in a gym setting depending

Warrior crunch

The warrior crunch is a great exercise for strengthening the core muscles. It involves standing with feet slightly wider than shoulder width and toes turned outward, hands behind head and chest open. The next step is to tighten the core and glutes, then bend the knees until the thighs are parallel to the floor.

To finish, twist your body to the right and touch your elbow to your thigh. After that same motion with the left side. Repetitions of 8-12 can be done to reach all abdominal muscles.

The warrior crunch is an effective way to target your core muscles without having to use any equipment. It’s a simple move requiring minimal effort but yields great results consistently. Not only does it strengthen your abs, but it also helps improve posture and balance as well as increase flexibility in your lower back and hips. Start with 1 set of 8-12 reps and gradually increase as you become more comfortable with this exercise. With regular practice, you’ll soon see

Advanced moves

Advanced moves are an important part of any exercise routine. They can help to increase strength, improve balance and coordination, and reduce the risk of injury. Beginner exercises are a great way to start, but as you progress in your fitness journey, it’s important to incorporate more advanced moves into your routine. To engage your core muscles, inhale deeply and imagine bringing your belly button toward your spine while holding the muscles tight for a few seconds. This will help to strengthen the core and improve stability.

To determine the optimum number of reps and sets for your current fitness level and goals, it’s wise to speak with a qualified personal trainer or physical therapist. They may also suggest incorporating the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) into your exercise routine. The FMS is used to assess injury risk by taking into consideration components of stability and mobility such as neuromuscular control, proprioception, joint stability, mobility, strength, and balance.

Turkish get-up

The Turkish get-up is an advanced full-body movement that increases spinal stabilization and mobility in the hips, lumbar spine, and thoracic spine. It involves lying down on your back with your arms at a 45-degree angle, then bringing your right arm up to the ceiling while keeping your knuckles pointing up. From there, you push through your right heel and left elbow to prop yourself up onto your left elbow before pushing your left palm into the floor and pulling yourself into a seated position. You then slide your left leg underneath you and move into a kneeling position before holding your right arm overhead and pressing your right foot into the ground to bring your left leg forward. Reverse the movements until you are back on the ground again, doing 3-5 reps.

The Turkish get-up is an excellent exercise for improving stability, mobility, balance and strength as it requires concentration on core strength, balance, coordination and proprioception. It also helps to improve posture by strengthening

Bird dog with elbow to knee

Bird dog exercise is an effective way to tone the abs, lower back, glutes, and thighs. To begin, get on your hands and knees with the hands under the shoulders and the knees below the hips. To perform the exercise, simultaneously lift the right leg to hip level and left arm to shoulder level. Then bring the right knee and left elbow towards each other before returning to starting position. This should be repeated 8-12 times for each leg/arm, building up to 10-30 second holds.

The bird dog exercise is an effective way of strengthening core muscles while also improving balance and stability. It helps to improve posture by strengthening the muscles that support your spine. Additionally, it can help reduce back pain as it strengthens the muscles that support your spine and helps keep it in proper alignment. The bird dog exercise is easy to do at home or in a gym setting and can be done as part of a warm-up or cool down routine. With regular practice, you will soon see improvements in your

Side plank with rotation

Side plank with rotation is an advanced version of the basic plank, strengthening arms, shoulders and obliques. To perform this exercise, begin by lying on your right side with forearm below shoulder and legs extended. Lift hips to form a straight line. Then raise left arm straight up, rotate torso toward floor, then return to starting position for 1 set of 8-12 reps before repeating on other side.

Side planks are an effective exercise for strengthening the quadratus lumborum and adding a rotational element increases muscular recruitment. This exercise can help improve lower back health and support as it works the core muscles in different ways than traditional planks do. It also helps build strength in the arms and shoulders while engaging the obliques for improved balance and stability. Side plank with rotation is a great way to challenge yourself and take your core workout to the next level!

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